30 Day Blogging Challenge Day 6

Today’s challenge is to blog about a good Mentor.  

Having a good mentor as a teacher, can be quite valuable.  But, like most things in life, something that you cannot be just assigned (as a first year teacher would be).  It is something that you have to go out and seek  yourself.  When I first started teaching, I taught in three different schools during my first three years as an educator.  Each of the assigned mentors were helpful.  However, I did not truly begin to thrive in having someone to watch to try and emulate until I started to seek out my own examples of excellent teaching.  

Today I find that most of my mentors are found through social media networks.  By following professional educators and groups on Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook, I am able to have numerous resources at my finger tips.  It is amazing, and only something that can be done in the 21st Century!  I love having a question, and being able to tweet it to the correct person. I love reading a book, and being able to tweet the author to let her or him know that I am walking along side them reading a book they wrote recently.